
Urban Opus is a nonprofit accelerator that offers organizations and entrepreneurs two unique advantages in developing innovative, human-centered smart city solutions:

1. Data Brokerage:

Anyone working with data at the scale of a city encounters the same problems.  “Open Data” are ‘free’, but haphazard in their availability, standards, etc, and not as valuable as “Proprietary Data” kept private by utilities, corporations, etc, and less valuable still than “Citizen Data” that everyday citizens might contribute voluntarily in return for individual and community benefit.  The Urban Opus Data Brokerage makes it easy for all organizations and entrepreneurs to innovate with data:

● Data Hub:  Aggregation, cleaning and interoperability of data sources;

● Honest Broker:  Versatile business rules for transacting urban data solutions;

● Leading Technologies:  For combining data sources and harnessing value;

● Advanced Tools:  For ensuring privacy, security and performances;

● Public Trust:  Models and standards for making Citizen Data work in communities.

2. Project Delivery:

Conducting innovation within cities is complex.  Urban Opus has the experience to conceive, champion and deliver projects within city-sized testbeds:

● seasoned digital public engagement expertise in urban settings;

● a growing stakeholder cluster of public, private & community participants;

● proven collaborative innovation competencies to champion projects;

We aggregate open data sources on behalf of municipalities and mash these together with proprietary and citizen data sources in order to establish an unprecedented platform for innovation in the public trust.